
Notable Moments in History

This timeline includes events the players have learned about during their travels and studies.

  • 1596

  • Current Year

    The PCs begin their adventures together.

    Corruption around the Tower of Herikyr begins to impact locals and travelers through the valley. Ildarach begins an investigation at the behest of Magevale, and sends the newly appointed young druid Aalnor to gather clues.

    Skag is hurled into this world from another place.

    Haemond is waylaid on the road and captured. He joins the adventurers after they rescue him from the goblin tribe in Redbeard's Outpost.

  • 1588

  • Brother Siparis Finds Aji-Tona Rhuusq

    On the deep winter night of Coldark, Brother Siparis discovers the body of Aji-Tona Rhuusq on Mount Turas and carries him back to the monastery at Turas Faen. The monks take in the young half-orc and he trains there for the next 8 years.

  • 1586

  • Haemond Joins the Priesthood

    On his fifteenth birthday, a human boy named Haemond pledges into the clergy. He spends the next 10 years training to become a battle priest.

  • 1574

  • Nate Vance Discovered Outside Turas Faen

    A mysterious basket is found in a grove just outside Turas Faen. Inside, wrapped in blankets, is a half-elf baby with mysterious markings. The monks welcome him but soon notice strange occurances of flashing lights and strange noises around the monastery. As Nate grows older, the monks teach him how to harness and control his abilities.

  • Aalnor Leaves the Mines

    Not yet a druid, the young half-elf was sent to mine with the dwarves outside Ambervein by his father -- partly to 'teach him a lesson' and partly to escape the criticism of fellow council members who chastise the old man for having a half-breed son who lives like a homeless wildling. He was sent for a week, but spends a year with the dwarves instead. Nature is nature, whether in the woods or in the earth. After this, Aalnor begins his druidic training.

  • 478

  • Sedrix captured; Herikyr Disappears

    Sedrix is captured by Shadowgasts during a planar experiment. Herikyr rescues him sometime later, but gets separated. She casts him back into their home realm on the Prime Material plane. The gate closes before she can follow. This is the last time anyone sees her.

  • 464

  • The Last Apprentice

    Sedrix succeeds Lorinathius and becomes oathbound to Herikyr as her new apprentice.

  • 377

  • Caladom Defeated

    Serje Danzir and his party of brave adventurers defeat the lich Caladom with help from the Unpronounceable Tome of Yghryszjk.